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Peer-Reviewed Articles

Clark Hunt, L. K., Cromwell, J. C., & Creel, S. (2024). Students with disabilities perceptions on the library and college: Systematic review and case study. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 50(1), 102827.

Clark Hunt, L. & Creel S. (2024) Interviews with Public Librarians on Their Experiences in Cases of Censorship, Public Library Quarterly, 43:2, 179-201, DOI: 10.1080/01616846.2023.2243201

Clark Hunt, L. K., Steele, J. E., Koposko, J. L., Cromwell, J., & Lambert, T. A. (2023). E-resource librarians perceptions on library patron privacy. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 49(3), 102704.

Clark Hunt, Laura; McIntosh, Andrew; Deal, Kennon; Koposko, Janet; and Lane, Vanessa, "Research as Inquiry: A Discipline Specific Approach to Information Literacy" (2022). Information Literacy Open Textbooks. 2.

Clark Hunt, L. K. & Thomin, M. (2022). Tour de Fort: Creating and evaluating guided archaeology tours. Journal of Archaeology and Education.

Clark Hunt, L. K., Smith, T., & Seals, S. (2020). Participatory evaluation of cultural heritage based programming to empower communities: A quantitative analysis. The Institute of Cultural Heritage and Archaeology (ICHA).

Clark Hunt, L. K. (2019). Caregivers’ motivations for attending emergent literacy programming in public libraries: Qualitative analysis of three case studies. Public Library

Quarterly, DOI: 10.1080/01616846.2019.1684784

Freund, K., Clark, L. K., & Giduako, K. (2019). Service learning in Archaeology and its impact on perceptions of cultural heritage and historic preservation. Journal of Archaeology and Education.

Miller, S. & Clark, L. K. (2018). Heritage Monitoring Scouts across Florida: Archaeologists and citizen scientist respond to climate change. The International Journal of Climate Change Climate Change: Impacts & Responses: Research Network Membership, (10).

Clark, L. K. (April 2017). Caregivers’ perceptions of emergent literacy programming in public libraries in relation to the National Research Councils’ Guidelines on Quality Environments for Children. Library and Information Science Research, 39(2), 107-115.

Refereed Conference Paper

Clark, L., (2018). Public archaeology evaluation implementation. Reevaluation Public Archaeology, Motivations and Community in Public, Archaeology Evaluation, Society for Historical Archaeology.


Miller, S. & Clark, L. (2018). Heritage Monitoring Scouts across Florida: Archaeologists and citizen scientist respond to climate change. Climate Change: Impacts & Responses Research Network, 10th International Conference on Climate Change: Impacts & Responses, University of California at Berkeley, Retrieved from

Miller, S. & Clark, L. (2018). Heritage Monitoring Scouts across Florida. FAS, Tampa, FL. 

Smith, T., Hernandez, K., Clark, L., & Seals, S. (2018). Defining success in public archaeology

evaluation. Reevaluation Public Archaeology, Motivations and Community in Public, Archaeology Evaluation, Society for Historical Archaeology.

Conference Workshop

Miller, S. & Clark, L. (2018). Assessment and evaluation of Florida’s Citizen-Science program

to address climate change: Heritage Monitoring Scouts of Florida (HMS Florida). 21st Century Approach to Archaeology, Education, and the Public. SAA Symposium.

Clark, L. (2017). Outcome-based planning and evaluation implementation in public archaeology

outreach programs. Assessment Conference at the Indiana University.

Luetkemeyer, J. & Clark, L. (2017). Picture books as learning resources: From pre-k to middle

school. Georgia Library Association.

Luetkemeyer, J. & Clark, L. (2017). Picture books as learning resources: From pre-k to middle

school. Faye B. Kaigler Children’s Book Festival at the University of Southern Mississippi.

Refereed Conference Panel

Khakzad, S., & Clark, L. (2018). Promoting cultural tourism through maritime cultural

landscape, Inland Maritime History and the Nexus of Fresh and Salt Water, NASOH.

Clark, B., Clark, L., Hall, V., McDavid, C., Moyer, T., Samford, P., & Stottman, J. (2017).

Reevaluation Public Archaeology, Public Education and Interpretation Committee, Society for Historical Archaeology.

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